Hello visitors,you're welcome to learn series of our lessons. Today we are going to learn about Electrical Devices and Equipments,which finally complete the circuit to make Domestic Electrical Installation/Wiring. 1.CIRCUIT BREAKER
This is first divice that pick up the supply from mains source,and leads to other part of installation. This device made by two operating system,automatic trip system that caused by short circut,and manually switch ON/OFF that placed by hand. DISTRIBUTION FUSE BOARD
This is second device which normally known as Main Switch,because it have a ON/OFF Switch Gear(Isolator) which placed by hand. Apart from Isolator,it contained Fuses,Neutral Link,and Earth Link which totally leads power to the circuit,it's work is to distribute the power to other part of installation. FUSE
This is another electrical device that allow a voltage and current to flow to a circuit,fuse is a bridge takes the power from Isolator to a circuit,also fuse stands as a protective device to a certain circuit. That is all for today until next time, when we'll meet for another lessons.